In the software biz, we refer to the “1.0” releases as “one-point-UH-oh” versions. Most software doesn’t mature until at least version 2.0. So it’s with a certain amount of relief that we’re proud to announce version 2.0 of our website. When we first launched, websites were still largely hand-tooled – made from the wholesome goodness of 100% recycled, fine Corinthian electrons. Nowadays, we’re into sites that are easy to update, with “responsive” design, so they’ll automagically work on iPhones, iPads, smartphones, and (of course), computers.
Let us know what you think.
Found your site through Johanna Husley’s FB…..I found Johanna through sharing an art show with her. Wow…Love your sites and your life. You look healthy and rich…
I have been working very hard to get back into photography after I retire from public school. Here is recent work. Here is a couple of sites Good to see your work. Don’t critque my sites too much as they are poor compared to yours…..